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Unseen is a music production library
for film & television

The library below features over 300 bespoke songs written in a variety of styles suited for film, television and other moving media. All material is written, recorded and performed by Keith Kenniff. Songs below can be licensed as-is or used as a jumping-off point for an original commission.

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How it works


Filters are provided to make searching simple and efficient. Either input your desired track title or keyword in the search or click one of the suggested keywords.


Add music to make a playlist of favorite tracks for your project and download individual watermarked tracks to audition them. Watermarked versions include a 10-second gap, get in touch to gain access to hi-res files for your project.

Requests & Login

Once you’ve picked out your tracks you can audition them for your project with watermarked versions, or to create an account with Unseen, please get in touch.

Clients — Apple, Google, Facebook, Warner Brothers, Starbucks, Paramount Pictures, MTV, Amazon, Samsung, New York Times, Toyota, Dove, GE, eBay, Disney, Chevy, Honda, VW, Mini Cooper, Coke, Gucci, Instagram, Etsy, Pinterest, Levis, American Express, Doctors Without Borders, ACLU, HBO, NPR, BBC, ABC, NBC …